Criminal Justice: Corrections
The criminal justice system is designed to serve and protect all citizens while providing fair processes. As a corrections officer, you may work in a jail, prison, hospital, halfway house, or other alternative supportive service environment. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), many states are moving toward shorter sentences and alternatives to prison. Regardless of the locale, as a corrections officer, you are responsible for the facility's security and undertake other law enforcement functions.
The Criminal Justice/Corrections Officer Associates program will prepare you for a career in corrections or fields related to probation and parole.
What’s the Job Outlook for Correctional Officers and Bailiffs?
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment outlook for Correctional Officers and Bailiffs is projected to decline 10% from 2021-2031.
The following positions are similar occupations:
- Firefighters
- Police and Detectives
- Probation Officers
Citation: Bureau of Labor Statistics – Correctional Officers and Bailiffs
Where is the Criminal Justice - Corrections Associates in Applied Science (AAS) Program Offered?
The Criminal Justice - Corrections Associates in Applied Science (AAS) program is offered at our Curtis L. Ivery Downtown and Northwest campus. As a WCCCD student, you can take courses, use facilities, and get involved at any of our six locations.
Recommended course sequence:
Educational Affairs Contact Information
Contact Information:
Phone: 313-496-2600