Federal Work-Study
Federal Work-Study is an opportunity to help you earn while you learn by working for the Wayne County Community College District. Work-study provides an excellent opportunity for you to earn money and obtain transferable job skills, all while attending the District.
Am I Eligible for Work-Study?
In order to be eligible for work-study, you must be enrolled at least half-time (6 credits that are eligible toward your declared degree or certificate program) and have documented need. Your “need” is calculated based on the information submitted on your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Work-Study FAQs
The Federal Work-Study Placement Office is located in the Division of District Student Services at 801 W. Fort Street in Detroit, Michigan. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm. To connect with a representative, send an email to: wsp@wcccd.edu.
Yes. The dollar amount listed on the FWS student’s Web-Gate account represents the amount of funds available for you to earn. FWS students cannot surpass this earning limit for the academic year. FWS students need to work with their supervisor to schedule enough hours to reach their maximum earnings. The maximum number of hours a FWS student can work is 29 hours per week. FWS awards are subject to change based upon the student’s eligibility.
The earnings limit is the maximum amount that the FWS student may earn during the academic year. The supervisor and student should compute how many hours a FWS student is able to work at their wage rate to determine the FWS student's schedule for the year. Any funds not earned at the end of the academic year will be forfeited and do not carry over to the next year.
FWS students should be aware that their earnings limit might decrease during the academic year as a result of the receipt of outside resources (e.g., scholarships). If family circumstances change, increases to the earnings limit may be made. The FWS student will be notified if an award is adjusted.
Students have a choice of accepting or denying the FWS funds.
Students may request to have FWS funds re-awarded in writing to wsp@wcccd.edu. Funds run out quickly considering the high demand for FWS assistance; if funds are available, it is possible that the student can receive the funds. However, if not, the student will be placed on a waiting list and will be contacted by the FWS Placement Office once funds are available.
Federal Work-Study is a federal need-based program. Students are welcome to request FWS any year as long as they meet the eligibility requirements.
Yes, you can decline or request a reduction in your Federal Work-Study for any one term or for all of them, however, you must state in writing that you are rejecting or reducing your funds in order for your request to be made official.
Students must have financial need as determined on the FAFSA, meet satisfactory academic progress requirements and be enrolled for at least 6 credits (that are eligible toward your declared degree or certificate program) that count toward an eligible major to qualify for FWS.
The answer is no. However, if a FWS student has significant non-FWS earnings, they may effect your aid eligibility for the next academic year.
Once the student has applied for financial aid for the current academic year and selected that they are interested in receiving Federal Work-Study funds, eligible students will be awarded. The District Financial Aid Office will award eligible students. The Federal Work-Study Placement Office will contact the student letting them know they have been awarded Federal Work-Study. The Federal Work-Study Placement Office will contact each student by phone or email with further instructions. The Federal Work-Study Placement Office will then start processing all paperwork once everything is completed and received,and mandatory orientation has been completed. The student will be placed at a campus or off-site. If a student is returning and wishes to report back to their previous location, the supervisor will sign the authorization form requesting the FWS student to return and the Federal Work-Study Placement Office will place the student in the requested location.
All students must have the supervisor fill out a Federal Work-Study authorization form. This form can be obtained from the Federal Work-Study website. FWS students are not authorized to work and will not be issued paychecks until all of the necessary forms are completed. Students may not report to work until they have received an email with their official start date.
Federal Work-Study students are only allowed to work at one location per semester.
FWS Students are allowed to work while classes are in session only. Some exceptions may apply with prior approval from DFAO.
Summer jobs are available on and off campus if funds are available. FWS Students must attend the mandatory orientation, and complete the FWS packet process as stated on question 12.
Paychecks are issued on a bi-weekly basis for the previous two weeks of work. Paychecks can either be directly deposited into the student's checking account, Bank Mobile account or mailed to the home address. All paychecks are viewable on Web-Gate.
Perhaps you entered your hours incorrectly or were late submitting your hours before the cut-off date or time. If so, contact your supervisor or the Federal Work-Study Placement Office. Late timesheets will be processed during the next pay period.
To change your address for Payroll, go to the Student Services Department at your campus with your current identification and address, ask for a change of data form and submit. A copy of your identification will be copied and the change will be made by the representative at that location.
Yes, you have the option to sign up for direct deposit when you get hired.
Yes, income earned through the Federal Work-Study Program is taxable. Therefore, each FWS student must complete city, state and federal withholding forms and include their earnings on appropriate tax returns.
For more information about the Federal Work-Study Program, feel free to contact the Federal Work-Study Placement Office at wsp@wcccd.edu, or visit our homepage.

Contact Information
Dr. Tammy Anderson
Phone: (313) 496-2634
Federal Work-Study
Phone: (313) 496-2634