
Group of diverse graduates

Prior to the semester the student intends to graduate, he or she must:

  • Be officially admitted to the program or their major,
  • Obtain and complete an Application for Graduation,
  • Submit the completed Application for Graduation to an academic advisor, program director, or campus assistant dean for review.

Prior to the semester the student intends to graduate, a student must:

  • Be officially admitted to the program or their major,
  • Obtain and complete an Application for Graduation,
  • Submit the completed Application for Graduation to an academic advisor or program director.

The signature of the academic advisor, program director, or campus academic officer indicates that they have reviewed the graduation requirements with the student and will submit them on their behalf.

It is the student's responsibility to coordinate all degree or certificate requirements for the appropriate catalog year with the academic advisor, or academic department. If the student does not complete the graduation requirements outlined in the semester requested on the application, he or she must file another application in a subsequent semester.

If you qualify for and desire a Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) stamp on your transcript or a Phi Theta Kappa seal on your diploma, please indicate it clearly to the Academic Advisor.

Upon completion of all requirements, it will take 90 days for the student to receive a certificate or degree by mail.Indication of the degree or certificate awarded will be reflected on the college transcript when it has been determined that all requirements have been satisfied.

A replacement diploma or certificate can be provided for a fee. For additional information about graduation requirements, contact District Student Service or email

Please Note: All students readmitted to the college after missing four or more regular semesters will be responsible for the curricula and regulations published in the current catalog and other official publications which are in effect at the time of their readmission. In some instances, dates of program admission may take precedence over dates of college admission for the purpose of meeting program requirements for graduation.


Yes, there is a deadline every semester. Graduation application deadlines:







Graduation Applications submitted after these dates Application will be moved to the following semester.

Step 01: Meet with an Advisor to review your transcript/application to make sure that you have met all requirements. This includes all grades, waivers, changes of grades, sufficient GPA, and a sufficient number of credit hours. (It is recommended that you manually count each credit hour for accuracy).

Step 02: Once grades have been submitted, the campus will review all transcripts a second time to make sure that all requirements have been met and to be sure that applicants are still eligible for graduation. After all, applications have been approved by the campus Presidents, then the campus sends all complete graduation applications/folders to District Records.

Step 03: Students who are deemed deficient by the campus should be notified by the campus. District Records should not receive any deficient student applications and/or folders.

Step 04: Once District Records has received applications/folders from all the campuses, Records will then send an email informing all prospective graduates that their applications have been received. It is difficult for Records to answer questions regarding applications if they do not have the applications folders in their possession.

Step 05: From this point on, applicants will update any necessary information with District Records at [email address] so that the correct diploma will be awarded, ordered, and mailed.

A Deficient means that you have not met all of the requirements for a certain degree and/or certificate program. This includes alt coursework grades, waivers, change aggrades, sufficient GPA, and sufficient credit hours. You should review your transcript with an Advisor, to make sure that you have met all of the requirements. If the Audit Department deems a student deficient, the student will not receive a diploma, whether he or she participated in the graduation ceremony or not.

The entire process takes approximately 90 days after the semester ends. (Not after the application is turned in). Records must wait until current grades have been submitted before the final audit process starts. This is for all applicants, whether you are waiting on grades or not. All applications are audited and reviewed at the same time. Do not call the campuses about your degree. When it is awarded, it will be stated on your unofficial transcript (Web-Gate).

No. Summer, and Fall graduates should already be aware and should have already received their diplomas before the ceremony takes place in June. For spring graduates, the final audit is taking place during the same time as the ceremony. At this time, Applicants should already know if they have met all of the requirements or not, by the Advisor.

There is not a "graduation list". The college does not read the graduates' names from the ceremony booklet. As long as you know that you have met all of the requirements for your degree/certificate program, then you are eligible to participate in the ceremony. If the Audit Department deems an Applicant deficient, the student will not receive a diploma; whether he or she participated in the ceremony or not, The Audit Department makes the final decision.