[DRAFT] Purchasing Procedure Manual

During the course of a year, there will be many instances when it will be necessary to make purchases for your department/program.

The Purchasing Department pursuant to delegation by the Board of Trustees and the Chancellor has the sole authority and responsibility for the purchase and selection of qualified suppliers for the supplies, materials, software, furniture, equipment, printing and services needed by College departments/programs.

The Purchasing Department is empowered to: Purchase or contract for the supplies, materials, equipment, printing and services needed by College departments; develop and prescribe standard specifications; enforce compliance with those specifications. The Purchasing department also makes recommendations for awards of College purchases and regulates the making of purchase contracts by College Campuses and Departments.

Only the Chancellor is authorized to sign contracts, Non-authorized personnel who sign or execute contracts financially committing the District assume personal liability.

The Purchasing Department maintains various catalogs covering many different commodities to assist the user departments in choosing what is needed. If the Purchasing Department does not have a needed catalog, they will assist in getting them.

Determine department/program needs and verify budget availability along with campus or department head approval.

System will assign requisition a number, which requestor should record for reference. After the purchase requisition has been properly filled out and approved by campus or department head it will be forwarded to the budget department for approval.

Once department has approved requisition the purchasing department will pull requisition(s) for processing.

The bidding process for various levels of expenses can be time intense, therefore it is important to submit your requisitions at least 3-4 weeks before the goods or services are required. Advance planning is essential to insure that user departments receive needed services and goods at the time required.